Our business has been in practise since 2020. Take a glance at some of the results up until now.
Cloud based
Marchal.Online really helped me with setting up a long term vision. Able to apply their sustainability and business engineering skills and knowledge to the specific context of our sports, food and health coaching business. Strongly recommended!
As a start up in circular genever (Bakers Best is made from recycled loafs of bread), Marchal.online was able to help make a jump start and focus on areas of improvement. Looking forward to grow further together.
Nice, hard working – and very communicative people! Great end quality.
Bakers Best
Bakers Best is a start up in circular genever (made from recycled loafs of bread). Marchal.online organised several creative sessions and had some productive talks after with owner Chris Rijkenberg. Marchal.online was able to inspire him to diversify his product portfolio. The lesson was "not to blindly fall in love with the first idea", so Bakers Best succesfully created circular pre-mixed drinks and even got involved in another more service oriented enterprise: the Cocktail Agency.
ToekomstGroep is a fast growing medium sized holding of companies in the Netherlands related to construction, renovation and maintenance. In its complex trajectories of sustainable transformation, Marchal.online has been able to assist for a long time in supporting its policies with SHEQ & ESG services.
GoedLichaam is a young dutch coaching agency for fitness and nutrition. As it is in business for a couple of years its owner Tim Bijlaard and Marchal.online joined forces to explore new possibilities to help clients in their personal sport ambitions and achieve a "future fit" organisation that goes beyond.
The city of Heerhugowaard is known for its sustainable development. In the early phases of reaching it's ambituous plans in agreement with the Kyoto Protocols and later the Paris agreements, it was facing problems keeping track of its progress. Marchal.online assisted in creating and implement a back-end and front-end city energy and CO2 monitoring tool.