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SHEQ & ESG strategy

For the leader of this business unit a strategy was co-created including underlying activity plans and reporting tools on delivery status

For leaders in operational business units sometimes it can be hard managing all things at the same time. Something familiair for most is the erroneous habit of managing affairs ad hoc, trouble shooting and fixing what went wrong. 

As you know this isn’t sustainable and that’s why leader seek ways to map the management landscape, gain key insights, prioritise and focus. Clarity is a very important concept, to be implemented in order to gain control. It helps eradicate the noise and being able to see what is necessary right now.

This is true for all leadership, not just for those in operations or in SHEQ & ESG.

So we start out with building up our three strategic pillars;

1) Safety & Health
2) Environment & Society
3) Quality & Governance

On top of that, we create some overarching principles, that keeps the building together. Some principles for this client were; Drive, Awareness and Thinking Clearly.

...Clarity is a very important concept, to be implemented in order to gain control

Once the basic strategic “building” is constructed, it is time to map all the ongoing projects or programs that are annually reoccuring.

Upon completion, we do a Was – to Will be situation analysis to unlock a more future fit business model and a structured annual program of activities.

You can look at the provided images for the mapping of key projects and programs per pillar that was created for this anonimised client (it is in dutch).

As you can see we have prioritised the projects and arranged them on the annual time line. The principle of most important things first applies. This also enables the client to create a buffer in its annual planning around the end of the year, so if it finishes on time is has time left to evaluate and restrategise.

Once the strategy and annual programming/planning is done, it is time to create project activity plans and monitor progress. was able to create a “stupid simple” solution, most often this is the best way but also required some ingenuity.

The moment

Every situation is different, as business and markets change continuously. That’s why it is important to “capture the moment”


The solutions provided are well designed and effective. Also in the channels used to communicate upon launch.

Jeniffer Burns
Creative Heads Inc.

Nice, hard working – and very communicative people! Great end quality.