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CO2-Performance Ladder

Internal audit in preparation of recertification

to measure is to know
Marchal profile

The international GHG-protocol has aided the world wide transformation to fight climate change and global warming. In order for it to work, thousands of companies together with certifiying instances, investors and governments comitted to “one language” to combat these challenges and to measure the progress.

Environmental management
any other

The CO2-Performance Ladder originated in the Netherlands, to standardise CO2-monitoring and management.

It is becoming internationally recognised as a tool to insist on climate change mitigation measures in value chains en track progress.

…the CO2-Performance Ladder is a great way of improving the targeted value chain

The performance ladder is set up in such a way that organisations can join based on their own level (1 – 5) and are motivated to step up the ladder when they are ready. The basics is for the reporting entity to show their CO2-emission streams and publish a periodic CO2-footprint where they account for the CO2 they emit from energy usage in scope 1, 2 and later even 3 (value chain).

From the procurement perspective the CO2-Performance Ladder is a great way of improving the targeted value chain and reduce the procuring entity or government scope 3 value chain emissions. Any company that is certified has proven to inventarise, keep track and improve their basic CO2-emissions.

For our client we performed an internal audit on the complete manual, in which all norms and requirements are set out to be able and achieve succesfull certification on the desired ladder level.

Technical know-how

More and more norms or standards these days require certification or some sort of (limited, reasonable) assurance. Doing an internal audit gives an accurate picture on certification readiness.


Being able to give the right advice means listening to the clients needs and demands and translate that into workable processes that help acquire the goal and improve impact to environment, society and finances.